Marvel Kilimanjaro Expeditions & Safaris || Tour Operator In Tanzania, Tour and Safaris In Tanzania

About Emmanuel M. Minja

Emmanuel M. Minja was born in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters) ' in the village of Marangu-Moshi, Tanzania (a popular route up to Kilimanjaro). At an early age Emmanuel helped earn his way through school by guiding tourists up the famous mountain.

He graduated High Level Secondary School in 1994 whereupon he became a member of an accredited Kilimanjaro guide team and summit ted the Roof of Africa Uhuru Peak(5,895m) over 200 times. In 1996 he was selected by the University of Dar Es Salaam for a three-year Bachelor of Commerce degree while continuing with development of his Kilimanjaro guide experience through his college graduation in 2000.

After graduation Emmanuel gained more experience by working for tourists companies located in Arusha-Tanzania. He worked as a Manager/Mountain Guide until 2015, when he formed Marvel African Expeditions & Safaris.

The mission of Marvel African Expeditions & Safaris at the outset was to become the leading outfitter of mid-range guide companies offering quality services at the most competitive prices possible. Emmanuel M. Minja's unique combination of years of experience as a guide and an earnest love for Tanzania's unique ecologic coupled with his formal business training to underpin his Company's mission.

Today, his Company is positioned to offer the most rewarding Tanzanian adventure experiences at the most competitive rates possible. He has produced economies benefiting tourists by eliminating middlemen. Doing so has allowed Emmanuel to concentrate on providing safe, dependable and unforgettable tour experiences! It is these pillars sophisticated tour management with unforgettable quality experiences for his guests that the Company's reputation is being built.

Marvel African Expeditions & Safaris , is registered and regulated by the Tanzanian government, who also encourage companies to engage in the continuing protection of Tanzania's natural wonders and unique wildlife.

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Marvel Kilimanjaro Expeditions & Safaris || Tour Operator In Tanzania, Tour and Safaris In Tanzania