Marvel Kilimanjaro Expeditions & Safaris || Tour Operator In Tanzania, Tour and Safaris In Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro Adventure Trips

Mount Kilimanjaro National Park:

Kilimanjaro the name itself is a mystery wreathed in clouds. It might mean Mountain of Light, Mountain of Greatness or Mountain of Caravans. Or it might not. The local people, the Wachagga, don't even have a name for the whole massif, only Kipoo (now known as Kibo) for the familiar snowy peak that stands imperious, overseer of the continent, and the summit of Africa.

Kilimanjaro, by any name, is a metaphor for the compelling beauty of East Africa. When you see it, you understand why. Not only is this the highest peak on the African continent; it is also the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, rising in breathtaking isolation from the surrounding coastal scrubland – elevation around 900 meters – to an imperious 5,895 meters (19,336 feet).

Kilimanjaro is one of the world's most accessible high summits, a beacon for visitors from around the world. Most climbers reach the crater rim with little more than a walking stick, proper clothing and determination. And those who reach Uhuru Peak, the actual summit, or Gillman's Point on the lip of the crater, will have earned their climbing Diploma.

But there is so much more to Kili than her summit. The ascent of the slopes is a virtual climatic world tour, from the tropics to the Arctic. Even before you cross the national park boundary (at the 2,700m contour), the cultivated foot slopes give way to lush montane forest, inhabited by elusive elephant, leopard, buffalo, the endangered Abbot’s duiker, and other small antelope and primates. Higher still lays the moorland zone, where a cover of giant heather is studded with otherworldly giant lobelias.

Above 4,000m, a surreal alpine desert supports little life other than a few hardy mosses and lichen. Then, finally, the last vestigial vegetation gives way to a winter wonderland of ice and snow – and the magnificent beauty of the roof of the continent.


Climb slowly to increase your acclimatization time and maximize your chances of reaching the summit. To avoid altitude sickness, allow a minimum of five nights, preferably even more for the climb. Take your time and enjoy the beauty.

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro or Meru is June to early November during the dry season, when the sky is usually clear from clouds. Avoid rain season which starts March and ends in June, because the slopes are more slippery. However, the climbing can also be arranged any time of the year as per your schedule and plans.

At 19330ft(5.895m), Uhuru Peak, the summit of Kilimanjaro, marks the highest point in Africa.

This is one of the most climbed of the world’s big mountains, and an iconic feature of the East African landscape.

Kilimanjaro is a freestanding volcanic cone, meaning that it does not belong to a mountain range, but rises majestically from the great Maasai Steppe with her sister peak, Mount Meru, a short distance away, and rising to 14980ft. Kilimanjaro is the highest volcanic feature of its type in the world.

Kilimanjaro is an attractive climb prospect for many who have never attempted a big mountain, and is generally served by a comprehensive fraternity of climb outfitters and specialist guides. There are many who say that Kilimanjaro is an easy mountain to climb, and although it is true that there are no technical aspects to summiting this great mountain, those who have done, even seasoned mountaineers, will admit that it is no walk in the park.

There are a variety of approaches to the summit of Kilimanjaro, with the easiest usually regarded as being Marangu Route(Coca Cola Route) and the most challenging being the Machame Route(Whisky Route) -Western Breach through Arrow Glacier. In between there is Lemosho Route, Shira Route, Umbwe Route, Maua Route and Rongai Route, each of which offers unique perspective of Kilimanjaro, and each a superb trekking experience in some of the world’s most beautiful and best preserved tropical highland habitat.

Marvel African Expeditions & Safaris offers several Kilimanjaro Route Options, with longer or shorter versions depending on your preferences and interests as per Kili Routes below; Machame, Umbwe, Lemosho, Shira, Rongai, Marangu and Northern Circuit routes.


5 Days

Day 1

Drive to Kilimanjaro National Park gate at Marangu for the first section of the climb through the mountain forest to Mandara Hut (alt. 2750m) taking 3 to 4 hours.

Day 2

Leaving the forest, you trek along a good path through open grassy moorland to reach Horombo Hut (alt. 3700m) taking 5 to 7 hours.

Day 3

Continue ascending past ‘the last water point’ traversing the saddle between Kibo and Mawenzi to Kibo Hut (alt. 4700m) taking 5 to 7 hours.

Day 4

An early start for the summit on steep and heavy scree up to Gilman’s Point (alt. 5681m) on the crater rim to arrive in time for sunrise. Continue on to Uhuru Peak (alt. 5896m), the highest point in Africa. Descend to Horombo Hut for overnight taking 7 or 8 hours ascent and 4 to 7 hours descent.

Day 5

Descend the mountain to the Park gate taking 5 to 7 hours to be met and transferred to Moshi / Arusha


6 Days

Day 1

The Rongai Route is one of the easiest ascents to the peak. Your first day’s walk is a gradual ascent through the rain forest. The main thing on this route is to watch out for its elephants and cats covering portions of the trail. Time: about 4 hours.

Day 2

The morning walk is a steady ascent up to the ‘Second Cave’ (alt. 3450m) with superb views of Kibo and the Eastern ice fields on the crater rim. After lunch, leave the main trail and strike out across the moorland on a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi. The campsite is in a sheltered valley with giant Senecios near Kikelewa cave. Time: about 7 hours.

Day 3

A short but steep climb up grassy slopes is rewarded by superb all-round views and a tangible sense of wilderness. Leave the vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at Mawanzi Tarn (alt. 4330m), spectacularly situated in a cirque directly beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. The afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area as an aid to acclimatization. Time: 4 hours.

Day 4

Cross the lunar desert of the ‘Saddle’ between Mawenzi and Kibo to reach Kibo Hut (alt. 4750m) at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent before a very early night! Time: 5 hours.

Day 5

Begin the final, and by far the steepest and most demanding, part of the climb by torchlight around 1:00am. Proceed very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (alt. 5685m). Rest there for a short time to enjoy the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. The descents to Kibo (alt. 4740m) is surprisingly fast and after some refreshments, continue the descent to reach the final campsite at Horombo. Time: About 11 hours.

Day 6

After breakfast, a steady descent takes us down through moorland to Mandara Hut (alt. 2752m), the first stopping place at the Marangu route. Continue descending through lovely lush forest on a good path to the National Park gate at Marangu. Here you will meet your vehicle which will transport you to Moshi / Arusha.


6 Days

Day 1

From Machame start hiking up 5 to 7 hours to Machame camp .

Dinner and overnight at Machame camp.

Day 2

Machame camp climbs 5 to 7 hours up to Shira camp for overnight .

Day 3

Walk about 3 to 4 hours through sandy areas

Overnight at Barranco camp

Day 4

Walk for about 4 to 5 hours through semi-glaciers to Barafu camp

Day 5

Very early start climbing to the summit (alt. 5895m), short rest thereafter descend to Barafu Hut for lunch en-route to Mweka camp .

Day 6

Final descent to the Mweka gate and transfers to Arusha.


6 Days

Day 1

More technical and challenging route, the trek starts with a drive in a 4WD vehicle to the Londorossi gate. After an introduction to your guide and porters followed by registration, drive further in another approximate 2 hours (50 kms) to Simba River where you commence your climb on foot (trekking / hiking) for about 3 to 4 hours, with picnic lunch en-route through giant savannah and vegetations before reaching the Simba campsite (alt. 2500m) for your dinner and overnight.

Day 2

After breakfast, start climbing through giant savannah with flora and fauna with picnic lunch for about 3 to 4 hours up to the Shira Plateau (alt. 3600m) for dinner and overnight.

Day 3

After breakfast, day is spent for an excursion walk around the vast Shira Plateau for an acclimatization walk, a chance to see the beautiful landscape of Kilimanjaro. Picnic lunch boxes are taken en-route returning late afternoon back to the Shira Plateau campsite for dinner and overnight.

Day 4

After breakfast, start climb through the glaciers and moorland for about 4 to 5 hours, with picnic lunch enroute before arriving at the Lava Tower (alt. 4600m) for dinner and overnight at Lava Tower. (An evening short trekking can be interesting).

Day 5

After breakfast, with picnic lunch boxes, walk descending towards the Barafu Hut (alt. 4600m), which is reached in 4 to 5 hours. This is an easier accessible route towards the Crater Rim.

OR an ascending climbs to the northern ice field towards the Arrow Glacier Hut (alt. 4900m) which is reached by climbing steeply for approximately 4 to 5 hours for dinner and overnight.

Day 6

Very early around 01:00am, light breakfast and start climb to the summit (alt. 5895m), short rest thereafter descend to Barafu Hut for lunch enroute to Mweka Hut (alt. 3000m).

Day 7

Final descent to the Mweka gate and transfer to Arusha.


6 Days

Day 1

This very technical route starts with a drive along the Kibosho road near Moshi town up to the Umbwe gate (alt. 1400m). Introduction to your guide and porters before registration. Thereafter start climb with picnic lunch passing through rain forest and giant trees for 4 to 5 hours, arriving for dinner and overnight at Umbwe Hut (alt. 2850m).

Day 2

After breakfast, with lunch packets start climbing passing through vegetations, easy rocks and small glacier for 5 to 6 hours before arriving for dinner and overnight at Barranco Hut (alt. 3950m).

Day 3

After breakfast, with picnic lunch packets, start climbing again through easy rocks and glacier for 4 to 5 hours before arriving for dinner and overnight at Barafu Hut (alt. 4600m).

Day 4

Very early, around 1:00am, light breakfast and start climb to the summit (alt. 5895m), short rest thereafter descend to Barafu Hut for lunch enroute to Mweka Hut (alt. 3000m).

Day 5

Final descend to the Mweka gate and transfers to Arusha.


8 Days

Day 1

This is a technical route for experienced climbers and begins with a drive along Boma Ng’ombe to Sanya Juu up to Londorosi gate (alt 2200m) for registration, drive to the road near Lemosho glades and start the trek through the rain forest, for dinner and overnight at Forest camp (alt. 2440m).

Day 2

Full day trekking through Shira Caldera and desert plateau, overnight at Shira camp (alt. 3700m).

Day 3

Trekking across Shira Plateau, for dinner and overnight at GM II camp (alt. 3700m).

Day 4

Trekking 6 to 7 hours through Barranco valley overnight Barranco camp (alt. 3940m) – this day can also be used for altitude acclimatization.

Day 5

Climb up to Barranco Wall across valleys for dinner and overnight at Karanga camp (alt. 4270m).

Day 6

Day is spent for acclimatization, dinner and overnight at Karanga camp (alt. 4270m).

Day 7

Trek to the summit - Uhuru Peak (alt. 5995m) then return (12 – 15 hours) for dinner and overnight at GM III camp (alt. 1100m).

Day 8

Walk down across the alpine moorland to Mweka gate, say goodbye to your guide and porters, certificates award and onward transfers

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Marvel Kilimanjaro Expeditions & Safaris || Tour Operator In Tanzania, Tour and Safaris In Tanzania